2014 MAS Conference and Annual General Meeting
2014 MAS Conference and Annual General Meeting The 2014 Manitoba Archaeological Society Conference and Annual General Meeting will be held in Brandon. A highlight will be a Sunday tour of The Royal Canadian Artillery Museum and Camp Hughes Military Training Site. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Great War and Camp Hughes was a major training facility for soldiers prior to going overseas. Brandon University held its 2013 field school at the site. This year we will feature the collections of avocational archaeologists on Saturday afternoon.
Royal Oak Inn & Suites, 3130 Victoria Ave, Brandon, MB, R7B 0N2 Ph.:1-800-852-2709 http://www.royaloakinn.com/
Camp Hughes Military Training Site, Carberry, MB http://www.historicplaces.ca/en/rep-reg/place-lieu.aspx?id=7745
The Royal Canadian Artillery Museum, CFB Shilo, MB www.rcamuseum.com
We are currently accepting abstract submissions on any topic relevant to archaeology. Abstracts should be 150-200 words. Please submit via e-mail to the MAS at mbarch@mymts.net and to Mary Malainey at mailto:malaineym@brandonu.ca or via mail at Box 1171, Winnipeg, MB, RC3 2Y4.
Early Bird Registration Regular Registration Late Registration
(on or before July 31) (August 1 to 31) (September 1st on)
Members $60.00 $70.00 $75.00
Student member $45.00 $55.00 $60.00
Nonmember $80.00 $90.00 $95.00
Nonmember Student $65.00 $75.00 $80.00
You can pay and register for the conference by mailing in the form below or using the PayPal using the forms below:
Conference Highlights
FRIDAY OCTOBER 3rd 6:00 -7:00 Conference Registration 6:30-10:00 Evening wine & cheese
First Drink Free SATURDAY OCTOBER 4th 8:40-9:00 Coffee & Registration 9:00-12:00 Presented Papers and coffee break 12:00-1:00 Lunch (provided) 1:00-2:20 Presented Papers and coffee break 2:30-4:40 Salute to Avocational Archaeology 6:00-7:00 Cocktails 7:00-10:00 SATURDAY EVENING BANQUET AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL TRIVIA NIGHT
The Saturday evening banquet will feature a roast prime rib dinner with salad, fresh vegetables, garlic mashed potatoes and dessert with coffee and tea. Afterwards, participate in a fun evening of trivia where teams will use their knowledge of everything archaeological to compete for awesome prizes!
Tickets are $50.00
SUNDAY OCTOBER 5th 8:40-9:00 Coffee 9:00-10:10 Presented Papers and coffee break 10:10-11:10 MAS Annual General Meeting 12:30-3:00 Tour of the Royal Canadian Military Museum and Camp Hughes (Meet at Shilo for lunch) MEMBERSHIP
If you want to become a member of the Manitoba Archaeological Society or need to renew your membership, you can also join online as part of your conference registration. Please indicate if you are a new member or renewing your membership.
More information on membership with the Manitoba Archaeological Society can be found here.
DONATIONSDonations can also be made to the Manitoba Archaeological Society. You will be sent for an income tax receipt for any donations made over $10.00.
Visit the MAS website www.manitobaarchaeologicalsociety.ca for updated details OR check out our Facebook Group. You may also contact the MAS office by e-mail, mbarch@mymts.net, by phone 204.942.7243 or by fax 204.942.3749.
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